1 Returns are calculated after fees have been deducted and assume distributions have been reinvested. No allowance is made for tax when calculating these figures. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Source: Apex. 2 The inception date for the Fund is 12 September 2023. 3 Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index.
This information is issued by Blackwattle Investment Partners Pty Limited (ABN 24 663 839 094) (BIP) corporate authorised representative of Blackwattle Licensing Pty Limited (ACN 665 711 839 AFSL 547 617) (corporate authorised representative no. 001304362) the investment manager of the Blackwattle Small Cap Quality Fund. Equity Trustees Limited (ABN 46 004 031 289, AFSL No. 240975) (EQT) is the responsible entity of the Fund. This document is intended to provide general information only and is subject to change. It does not constitute an offer to subscribe for units in the Fund. The information does not consider the investment objectives, financial situation, or particular needs of any individual. You should seek advice from your licenced financial adviser and read the product disclosure statement (PDS) before making an investment decision. The PDS and target market determination (TMD) for the Fund can be obtained for free by visiting our website www.blackwattlepartners.com. The Fund commenced on 12 September 2023. Returns shown for the Fund have been calculated using exit prices after taking into account fund ongoing fees and assuming reinvestment of distributions. No allowance has been made for taxation. Neither BIP, EQT or their related body corporates guarantee repayment of capital or any particular rate of return. An investment may achieve a lower-than-expected return and investors risk losing some or all of their principal investment. BIP has obtained information from sources it considers to be reliable but does not represent that such information is accurate or complete, or that it should be relied upon. Neither BIP nor EQT make any representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information it provides and to the maximum extent permitted by law, neither BIP, EQT nor its directors, employees or agents accept any liability for any loss caused by using this information.