Hear from our Blackwattle Mid Cap Team discuss 3 high-quality companies best placed to navigate whatever challenges 2024 brings.
31 Jan 2024Article
31 Jan 2024Hear from our Blackwattle Mid Cap Team discuss 3 high-quality companies best placed to navigate whatever challenges 2024 brings.
Fund Updates
19 Jan 2024Hear from Blackwattle Investment Partners CEO, Jarred Rubin discussing his investing journey and how it relates to Blackwattle’s quality investing.
18 Jan 2024Our Portfolio Managers Ray David and Joseph Koh deep dive into ASX James Hardie.
“If there is one secret to an enduring great company, it’s the ability to manage continuity and change, a discipline that must be consciously practiced” – Jim Collins
Finding great companies that fit this category is difficult. Finding these companies at a reasonable price is even harder.
In this note however, we discuss one company on the ASX, James Hardie that holds some of these characteristics, and warrants visionary status.
17 Jan 2024Hear from our CEO Michael Skinner with his views on the market and outlook.
7 Jan 2024Hear from our Portfolio Manager Ray David recent commentary in the Australian Financial Review.
“In the lithium space we’ve been active on both the long and the short”
“We’re long low cost, long reserve producers and short high cost, low reserve producers … the longer the lithium price stays at these levels, valuations of lower quality high-cost miners will come under pressure, especially when these higher cost companies are burning cash, putting pressure on balance sheets. There is still an opportunity for short sellers.”
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